If you're interested in getting connected at Vida Springs Church, there are four ways to get started:
Attend A Sunday Service Regularly

Sunday service is where we get a chance to gather together for worship and receive Bible teaching. It's the place where we're reminded of what's true, and where we're spurred on to live out what we believe the other six days of the week. Sunday service is where we can invite new friends to hear the simple truth about who Jesus is and what He's done for them. If you're interested in being involved at Vida Springs, this is the most fundamental step.
Get Into A Small Group And Attend It Consistently

If you only attend the Sunday worship service, you may attend for months and not really get to know many people - that's just how it works in larger gatherings! Our Small Groups are designed to help you make new friends, apply the Bible to your life, and receive the support and encouragement that we all need. We have Small Groups that meet all over Gainesville; check them out on our Small Groups Page.
Take The Vida Springs Series
The Vida Springs Series is a four-part series of trainings designed to help you mature as a follower of Jesus, and learn more about who we are and what we believe at Vida Springs Church. We offer one session in the series each month, and you may take them in any order. Childcare is provided for children from nursery - 5th grade. Registration is required. For more information, visit the Vida Springs Series page.
Serve Somewhere

Serving is one of the fundamental things that defined the ministry of Jesus. As followers of Jesus, we devote ourselves to a life of service in His church. It's an important part of growing as a disciple of Jesus. The best way to get started serving is to talk with your Small Group leader or a pastor. They will help you navigate how we serve in the midst of Jesus' church. If you are interested in serving, you can email us.