What is Tithing and How is it Different from an Offering?
At Vida Springs we believe that the Bible calls Christians to give a tithe, or a tenth of our income back to God to support the local church we are a part of. Giving should be done as worship, with recognition of God’s provision for us, understanding that we live in total dependence on Him for all that we have. Offerings are given above and beyond the Biblical requirement of the tithe and are brought as worship to God to further support His mission through the church.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Vida Springs Church is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and all contributions are tax-deductible. You will receive an annual giving statement from Vida Springs at the end of each year for yearly giving amounts greater than $100.
There Are A Few Ways You Can Give
During Sunday Services
You can easily give using cash or check during one of our Sunday services. Just grab an envelope from between the double doors in the back of the auditorium, put your gift in the envelope, fill out the information on the front, and drop it in the black box on the wall.
Online Via Your Bank
Nearly all major banks and a growing majority of smaller banks now offer free online banking. All you have to do is make a payment payable to Vida Springs Church and input our address. Your bank will then mail a check to us on your behalf. You'll need to find out the specifics of your bank's policies on this service, but most of them will provide this option at no cost to you.
Online bank payments can be sent to:
Vida Springs Church
2925 NW 39th Ave
Gainesville, FL, 32605
Online or On Your Phone with Tithe.ly
The last option is giving through Tithe.ly. This is a convenient way to give your tithe, but there is a small fee associated with the transaction. If you would like to make sure the entirety of your tithe goes to Vida Springs, check the box which allows you to cover the convenience fee.