If you're interested in getting connected at Vida Springs Church, any of our events are a great opportunity to get started:
Vida Springs Series: Serving
November 10th, 12:00-2:00pm
Lunch and childcare provided, if registered
The Vida Springs Series is designed to help you understand more about who we are, how you can mature as a follower of Jesus, and how you can be involved in what God is doing here. Register here.
2nd Wednesday Prayer
2nd Wednesday of each month, 7:00-8:00am
Kids Building
This is a Monthly time to gather and pray together as a church. You are welcome to join us for the full hour or come for part of that time.
College Night
November 15th, 7:00-8:30pm
At Pascal's Coffeehouse
We will be having a college service on UF campus, specifically for college students. This is an opportunity to be together with other college students to hear from the Bible and worship together. Invite your friends!
Anew Partnership
Vida Springs partners with Anew - a local, Christian-based non-profit committed to reaching women impacted by sex trafficking and sexual exploitation in our community. Our hope is to provide Anew and the women they reach with needed supplies. If you would like to help, take a bag from our display in the lobby, fill it with the suggested items, and bring it back.