
If you're interested in getting connected at Vida Springs Church, any of our events are a great opportunity to get started:

Team Vida
Team Vida
March 2nd, 5:00-7:30pm
Light dinner & childcare, starting at 5:00pm
Team Vida is a monthly meeting for everyone who serves in any capacity at Vida Springs Church. This is also where we take the Lord's Supper. If you're interested in starting to serve, feel free to email us at
Welcome Lunch
Welcome Lunch
March 9th, 12:00-1:00pm
In the kids building
Welcome Lunch is for those who are newer at Vida Springs and would like to learn more about the story and vision of our church and what it looks like to be a part of our church community. Lunch and childcare provided for those who register. Register here.
Created GNV Partnership
Anew Partnership
Vida Springs partners with Anew - a local, Christian-based non-profit committed to reaching women impacted by sex trafficking and sexual exploitation in our community. Our hope is to provide Anew and the women they reach with needed supplies. If you would like to help, take a bag from our display in the lobby, fill it with the suggested items, and bring it back.